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Cordolo L Mayenne Avorio it's the trim tile combined with the porcelain stoneware series STONEPLAY XT20 of Ragno. Collection STONEPLAY XT20 it is available in different colors and configurable formats according to your needs and can be supplied with matching skirting boards, channels and plinths. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain stoneware products.

  • Color
    Cordolo L Mayenne Avorio
  • Format
    15x50 cm
  • Depth
    20 mm
  • Surface
4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Trim Tiles
Mayenne AvorioMayenne Avorio
Mayenne BeigeMayenne Beige
Alzata Mayenne AvorioAlzata Mayenne Avorio
Alzata Mayenne BeigeAlzata Mayenne Beige
Bordo U Mayenne AvorioBordo U Mayenne Avorio
Bordo U Mayenne BeigeBordo U Mayenne Beige
Canalina Mayenne AvorioCanalina Mayenne Avorio
Canalina Mayenne BeigeCanalina Mayenne Beige
Cordolo L Mayenne AvorioCordolo L Mayenne Avorio
Cordolo L Mayenne BeigeCordolo L Mayenne Beige
Elemento L Mayenne AvorioElemento L Mayenne Avorio
Elemento L Mayenne BeigeElemento L Mayenne Beige
Gradone DX Mayenne AvorioGradone DX Mayenne Avorio
Gradone Mayenne AvorioGradone Mayenne Avorio
Gradone Mayenne BeigeGradone Mayenne Beige
Gradone SX Mayenne AvorioGradone SX Mayenne Avorio
Gradone SX Mayenne BeigeGradone SX Mayenne Beige

2. Choose Format

15x5015x50 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 1110.57 £/PZAsk for discount
Depth20 mm
Box 21 pieces (0.08 m2 - 0.5 Ml - 9.5 Kg)
Pallet48 boxes (3.6 m2 - 456.01 Kg)
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

Ragno STONEPLAY XT20 Cordolo L Mayenne Avorio 15x50 Structured
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
ProductRagno STONEPLAY XT20
Color and styleCordolo L Mayenne Avorio
Format15x50 cm
20 mm
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A long-standing protagonist of Italian industry

A long-standing protagonist of Italian industry
The Ragno brand is an important protagonist in the development and worldwide success of the Italian ceramic tile industry.
Founded in 1949 in Sassuolo, Modena, Ragno became a key player in the growth of the Italian ceramic district, differentiating itself in the production of wall tiles for the home. In the '60s and '70s, the company began manufacturing glazed floor and wall tiles destined for various market segments within the construction industry, at a national and international level.
The introduction of advanced and automated production technologies at the beginning of the '80s was associated with a redefinition of the company's commercial and marketing strategy, increasingly oriented to the demands of the customer and the market. Consequently, Ragno developed a wide range of products to cater to consumer trends, styles and tastes.
Nowadays, Ragno's range is characterised by precise and reliable solutions, in line with the latest interior design and furnishing trends, but destined to last over time. Ragno offers a complete and increasingly "specialised" range of indoor and outdoor porcelain stoneware, porous single-fired white-body tiles and mosaics floor and wall tiles. The brand communicates with the world of design through modular and flexible solutions that perfectly embellish the home and beyond.

Our achievements

Our achievements
Discover the floors and coverings that have already made our customers thanks to Onetile's services.
thanks to the careful selection of the best Italian porcelain stoneware, mosaics, ceramics and parquet brands, we have created and manufactured floors and walls for private homes, restaurants and businesses of all kinds, in Italy and in Europe. Find out more

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