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Soapstone is the color of the Imola porcelain stoneware series THE ROCK in this case in the 120x120 cm format with thickness 6.5 mm and finish Matte. The THE ROCK collection is available in different colors and formats and can be configured according to your needs. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain products.

  • Color
  • Format
    120x120 cm
  • Depth
    6.5 mm
  • Surface
Discover the series
4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Trim Tiles
Borgogna VenataBorgogna Venata
Breccia ImperialeBreccia Imperiale
Soap StoneSoap Stone
Travertino ArgentumTravertino Argentum
Decoro Borgogna VenataDecoro Borgogna Venata
Decoro Breccia ImperialeDecoro Breccia Imperiale
Decoro DorsetDecoro Dorset
Decoro Travertino ArgentumDecoro Travertino Argentum
Mosaico ArdesiaMosaico Ardesia
Mosaico Borgogna VenataMosaico Borgogna Venata
Mosaico Breccia ImperialeMosaico Breccia Imperiale
Mosaico DorsetMosaico Dorset
Mosaico MacaubasMosaico Macaubas
Mosaico NegresMosaico Negres
Mosaico PiasentinaMosaico Piasentina
Mosaico SoapstoneMosaico Soapstone
Mosaico Travertino ArgentumMosaico Travertino Argentum
Battiscopa ArdesiaBattiscopa Ardesia
Battiscopa Borgogna VenataBattiscopa Borgogna Venata
Battiscopa Breccia ImperialeBattiscopa Breccia Imperiale
Battiscopa DorsetBattiscopa Dorset
Battiscopa MacaubasBattiscopa Macaubas
Battiscopa NegresBattiscopa Negres
Battiscopa PiasentinaBattiscopa Piasentina
Battiscopa Soap StoneBattiscopa Soap Stone
Battiscopa SoapstoneBattiscopa Soapstone
Battiscopa Travertino ArgentumBattiscopa Travertino Argentum
Elemento L ArdesiaElemento L Ardesia
Elemento L Borgogna VenataElemento L Borgogna Venata
Elemento L Breccia ImperialeElemento L Breccia Imperiale
Elemento L DorsetElemento L Dorset
Elemento L MacaubasElemento L Macaubas
Elemento L NegresElemento L Negres
Elemento L PiasentinaElemento L Piasentina
Elemento L SoapstoneElemento L Soapstone
Elemento L Travertino ArgentumElemento L Travertino Argentum
Gradino ArdesiaGradino Ardesia
Gradino Borgogna VenataGradino Borgogna Venata
Gradino Breccia ImperialeGradino Breccia Imperiale
Gradino Costa Lucida Borgogna VenataGradino Costa Lucida Borgogna Venata
Gradino Costa Lucida Breccia ImperialeGradino Costa Lucida Breccia Imperiale
Gradino Costa Lucida DorsetGradino Costa Lucida Dorset
Gradino Costa Lucida Travertino ArgentumGradino Costa Lucida Travertino Argentum
Gradino DorsetGradino Dorset
Gradino MacaubasGradino Macaubas
Gradino NegresGradino Negres
Gradino PiasentinaGradino Piasentina
Gradino Soap StoneGradino Soap Stone
Gradino Travertino ArgentumGradino Travertino Argentum
Square Border costa lucida ArdesiaSquare Border costa lucida Ardesia
Square Border costa lucida MacaubasSquare Border costa lucida Macaubas
Square Border costa lucida NegresSquare Border costa lucida Negres
Square Border costa lucida PiasentinaSquare Border costa lucida Piasentina
Square Border costa lucida SoapstoneSquare Border costa lucida Soapstone

2. Choose Format

60x6060x60 cm
60x12060x120 cm
90x9090x90 cm
120x120120x120 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 177.67 £/MQAsk for discount
Depth6.5 mm
Box 22 pieces (2.88 m2 - 45.04 Kg)
Pallet30 boxes (86.4 m2 - 1388 Kg)
CodeSOAPST6 120 RM
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

Imola THE ROCK Soapstone 120x120 Matte
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
ProductImola THE ROCK
Color and styleSoapstone
Format120x120 cm
6.5 mm
CodeSOAPST6 120 RM
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Porcelain Stoneware Imola THE ROCK is ideal for:
  • Imola THE ROCK is a porcelain stoneware floor
  • Imola THE ROCK are tiles suitable for a stone effect floor
  • Imola THE ROCK are tiles suitable for a floor for living areas
  • Imola THE ROCK are tiles suitable for a bathroom floor
  • Imola THE ROCK are tiles suitable for a kitchen floor
Imola is one of the Italian porcelain stoneware floor and wall tile manufacturing brands best known for its contemporary creativity. It is part of the Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola that represents an international reference industrial pole for made in italy ceramics, present on the market with three distinct commercial brands that are, Imola, LaFaenza and Leonardo. 

Founded in 1874 Imola represents a historical reality in the world of ceramics that has been able to evolve over time through technological research and a contemporary style.

Imola's objective is to offer floor and wall tiles that create environments and situations that make everyday moments pleasant.

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Discover the floors and coverings that have already made our customers thanks to Onetile's services.
thanks to the careful selection of the best Italian porcelain stoneware, mosaics, ceramics and parquet brands, we have created and manufactured floors and walls for private homes, restaurants and businesses of all kinds, in Italy and in Europe. Find out more

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